Santosom - Professional Cases Blog

Santosom's RACKLIGHT ®
Santosom developed the 19" rack light system that can be applied in any rack.The LED Rack Light from Santosom allows you to work discreetly and comfortably in the right light! It is equipped with an ON/OFF button with a dimmer...

Santosom at Universidade Portucalense
Santosom would like to thank Universidade Portucalense, represented by Prof. Carla Azevedo Lobo, for the opportunity to be present at the Final Conference of the IEcPBI Project, Interactive Ecosystem for Portuguese Business Internationalization. This study reports that the firms must engage in continuous innovation and...

Santosom | Palau de la Música Catalana
Travel is one of the few things in life where spending money makes you richer.This is true whether you travel with your family, for pleasure or for work. The latest experience that validates this was this week's visit to Barcelona....

Santosom Flight case PRO, 911 - Emergency Fire & First Aid Box
All events must have, in critical areas, rapid means of firefighting and medical support for minor injuries. Santosom upgraded its latest solution and created the EMERG.911, its new flight case that should be present at all events regardless of its...

Santosom Double Deck Par Led Flight Case
Santosom presents the new Flight Case for spotlights. The LSP2M.1006080.12 One of the most important parts of the event is the lighting, it creates a sense of depth and drama in the right atmosphere. We all know...

Santosom Flight Cases for Uavision Drones
Santosom has always had a total appetite for new challenges and the desire to embrace projects that somehow demand the most from us.Being present in projects of great national and international relevance sustains this motivation and performance. One such example...