Santosom Flight case PRO, 911 - Emergency Fire & First Aid Box

Santosom Flight case PRO, 911 - Emergency Fire & First Aid Box

All events must have, in critical areas, rapid means of firefighting and medical support for minor injuries.

Santosom upgraded its latest solution and created the EMERG.911, its new flight case that should be present at all events regardless of its size.

Extremely practical and easy to use, manufactured primarily in red, it is part of our universal product line.


Each flight case includes a first-aid kit, a fire-retardant blanket and a rechargeable megaphone. It also has space for placing 2 CO2 extinguishers 110mm in diameter and 630mm in height and an ABC 155mm in diameter and also 630mm in height (not included).

This flight case has two corner handles on the lid for easy opening and closing, a locking system for docking and 4 wheels equipped with a brake for better protection in use.








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