Santosom Flight Cases for Uavision Drones
Santosom has always had a total appetite for new challenges and the desire to embrace projects that somehow demand the most from us.
Being present in projects of great national and international relevance sustains this motivation and performance.
One such example is the partnership with the company UAVision, which has challenged us over the years to participate in the development of custom flight cases for their products whose national interest is undeniable, since our solutions will protect equipment (drones) that will be put to the test in all conditions .
Santosom Flight cases will therefore have the mission of keeping them safe during all trips and travels as well as securing them when not in use. The solution of the transport case was totally designed to fit the drone in order to minimize the weight and make the most of the space without ever compromising safety through the use of highly resistant material.
It is a great privilege for us to be present in such a motivating and demanding partnership.