Gaveta modular com inserções de espuma
Espuma LD33 + linóleo
Adequado para
Shure SB900B
2x AAA Batteries
Robust 1.5 mm aluminium construction Continuous grip for ergonomic handling Snap lock with 1.5 kg tensile strength Ball bearing mounted, fully exte...
Ver detalhesStore and transport all individual pieces from wireless system neatly and well protected Foam drawer LD33 foam + Linoleum Modular Foam for 19"x14"...
Ver detalhesStore and transport all individual pieces from wireless system neatly and well protected Modular Foam Insert Drawer LD33 foam + Linoleum
Store and transport all individual pieces from wireless system neatly and well protected Foam drawer LD33 foam + Linoleum Modular Foam for 19"x14"...
Ver detalhesStore and transport all individual pieces from wireless system neatly and well protected Foam drawer LD33 foam + Linoleum Modular Foam for 19"x14"...
Ver detalhesStore and transport all individual pieces from wireless system neatly and well protected Foam drawer LD33 foam + Linoleum Modular Foam for 19"x14"...
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Santosom Professional Case®, Flight case®, Sliding Rack®, Tour Case®, Event Case®, Soundproof Case®, Racklight®, Santosom Integrated Solutions®, We Are Part Of The Show®, Premium case®, Foam Shell®, Carton case®, Case ID System®, Chromatic ID System® are legally protected trademarks.