
  • Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 1x ChainMaster D8+ Ultra 2T

    Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 1x ChainMaster D8+ Ultra 2T

    REF RL1.CHMU2T.01
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Butterfly latches 2x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball corners 8x Corner braces 8x Recessed sprung handle 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 4x Castor dish on case lid 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm Interior lining to protect the equipment
  • Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 2x Moveket Prostage 500 kg D8+

    Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 2x Moveket Prostage 500 kg D8+

    REF RL1.MVCPST05T.02
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Large butterfly latches 2x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 4x Medium Heavy-duty handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 4x Castor dish on case lid 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm
  • Santosom Rigging Flight Case PRO, Verlinde Stagemaker SM10 (481x283x175mm)

    Santosom Rigging Flight Case PRO, Verlinde Stagemaker SM10 (481x283x175mm)

    REF LIFT.169
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 35x35mm Aluminium L angle 2x Butterfly latches 2x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball corners 8x corner braces 4x Recessed sprung handle 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake Interior lining to protect the equipment
  • Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 2x EXE-Rise D8+ 198Kg MF Compact

    Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 2x EXE-Rise D8+ 198Kg MF Compact

    REF RL2.EXEMFC198.02
    Santosom Professional Line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Medium butterfly latches 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 4x Medium / Heavy-duty handles 2x Lid stay with hinge 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 4x Castor dish on case lid 1x Dish for tour label 185X135 mm
  • Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 1X EXE-Rise D8+ 1000kg DC

    Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 1X EXE-Rise D8+ 1000kg DC

    REF LIFT.160
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 1x Butterfly latches 1x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball corners 8x Corner braces 4x Recessed sprung handle 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 4x Castor dish on case lid 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm Interior lining to protect the equipament
  • Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 2x EXE-Rise D8+ 250kg MF Compact

    Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 2x EXE-Rise D8+ 250kg MF Compact

    REF RL2.EXEMFC250.02
    Santosom Professional Line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Medium butterfly latches 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 4x Medium / Heavy-duty handles 2x Lid stay with hinge 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 4x Castor dish on case lid 1x Dish for tour label 185X135 mm
  • Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO-1B, 1x Prolyft Nero 1T

    Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO-1B, 1x Prolyft Nero 1T

    REF RL1.PLTN1T.01
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Large butterfly latches 1x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 8x Medium Heavy-duty handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 4x Castor dish on case lid 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm
  • Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 2x GIS LP500 D8+

    Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 2x GIS LP500 D8+

    REF RL2.GISLP500.02
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Butterfly latches 2x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 8x Large Heavy-duty handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 4x Castor dish on case lid 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm
  • Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 2x Chainmaster ULTRA 500Kg

    Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 2x Chainmaster ULTRA 500Kg

    REF LIFT.164A
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Large butterfly catches 2x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 4x Medium Heavy-duty handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 4x Castor dish on case lid 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm
  • Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 2x GIS LPM250 D8+

    Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 2x GIS LPM250 D8+

    REF RL2.GISLPM250.02
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Butterfly latches 2x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 8x Large Heavy-duty handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 4x Castor dish on case lid 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm
  • SANTOSOM Rigging Flight case PRO, 1x Moveket Plus-X 2000

    SANTOSOM Rigging Flight case PRO, 1x Moveket Plus-X 2000

    REF RL1.MVCPX2.01
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Butterfly latches 2x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball corners 8x Corner braces 8x Recessed sprung handle 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 4x Castor dish on case lid 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm
  • Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 1x Verlinde Stagemaker D8 SL10 (25m chain)

    Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 1x Verlinde Stagemaker D8 SL10 (25m chain)

    REF LIFT.172A
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Butterfly latches 2x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball corners 8x Corner braces 8x Recessed sprung handle 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 4x Castor dish on case lid 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm
  • Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 1x ChainMaster D8+ Ultra-LV 1T

    Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 1x ChainMaster D8+ Ultra-LV 1T

    REF RL1.CMULV.0110
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Butterfly latches 1x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball corners 8x Corner braces 8x Recessed sprung handle 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 4x Castor dish on case lid 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm
  • Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 1x CM-ET Prostar 250 Kg

    Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 1x CM-ET Prostar 250 Kg

    REF RL1.CMLPS02T.01
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 35x35mm Aluminium L angle TMK® 2x Butterfly latches 1x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball corners 8x Corner braces 8x Recessed sprung handle 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 4x Castor dish on case lid 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm
  • Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 2x CM Lodestar NH D8+ 500Kg

    Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 2x CM Lodestar NH D8+ 500Kg

    REF LIFT.177
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Large butterfly catches 2x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 4x Large Heavy-duty handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 4x Castor dish on case lid 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm
  • Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 2x Chainmaster ULTRA 500Kg

    Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 2x Chainmaster ULTRA 500Kg

    REF LIFT.164
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Large butterfly catches 2x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 4x Medium Heavy-duty handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 4x Castor dish on case lid 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm
  • SANTOSOM Rigging Flight case PRO, 1x ChainMaster D8+ Ultra 500Kg

    SANTOSOM Rigging Flight case PRO, 1x ChainMaster D8+ Ultra 500Kg

    REF LIFT.166A
    Santosom professional line Wood inner dim. (WID) 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Butterfly latches 1x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball corners 4x Corner braces 8x Recessed sprung handles 4x Castor dish on case lid 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake
  • Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 2x FOS 611 D8+

    Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 2x FOS 611 D8+

    REF LIFT.176
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Large butterfly catches 2x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 4x Medium Heavy-duty handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 4x Castor dish on case lid 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm
  • Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 2x Chainmaster ULTRA 500Kg BOX OUT

    Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 2x Chainmaster ULTRA 500Kg BOX OUT

    REF LIFT.164BO
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Large butterfly catches 2x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 4x Medium Heavy-duty handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 4x Castor dish on case lid 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm
  • Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 1x ChainMaster D8+ Ultra 1T

    Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 1x ChainMaster D8+ Ultra 1T

    REF LIFT.161A
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 35x35mm Aluminium L angle 2x Butterfly latches 2x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball corners 8x Corner braces 8x Recessed sprung handle 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 4x Castor dish on case lid 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm Interior lining to protect the equipment
  • Santosom Rigging Flight Case, 2x Verlinde Stagemaker D8 SR1

    Santosom Rigging Flight Case, 2x Verlinde Stagemaker D8 SR1

    REF LIFT.173
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Butterfly latches 2x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball corners 4x Corner braces 6x Recessed sprung handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm Interior lining to protect the equipment
  • Santosom Rigging Flight case, ASM UNO 500 + Accessories

    Santosom Rigging Flight case, ASM UNO 500 + Accessories

    REF LIFT.170
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 35x35mm Aluminium L angle 2x Butterfly latches 2x Lid stay with hinge 8x Flat corners 8x Corner braces 8x Recessed sprung handle 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 4x Castor dish on case lid 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm Interior lining to protect the equipment
  • Santosom Rigging Flight Case PRO, Verlinde Stagemaker SM10 (588x283x175mm)

    Santosom Rigging Flight Case PRO, Verlinde Stagemaker SM10 (588x283x175mm)

    REF LIFT.171
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 35x35mm Aluminium L angle 2x Butterfly latches 1x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball corners 8x corner braces 8x Recessed sprung handle 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake Interior lining to protect the equipment
  • Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 2x Chainmaster ULTRA 250Kg

    Santosom Rigging Flight case PRO, 2x Chainmaster ULTRA 250Kg

    REF LIFT.165
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Large butterfly catches 2x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 4x Medium Heavy-duty handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 4x Castor dish on case lid 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm