Santé & Beauté

  • Santosom Medical Flight case, Nikon microscopio

    Santosom Medical Flight case, Nikon microscopio

    REF MEDIC.109
    Santosom standard line 7mm Poplar-Ply laminated 7mm Alum. hybrid lid location 22x22mm Aluminium L angle 6x Medium butterfly catches 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 2x Medium Heavy-duty handles
  • Santosom Medical Flight case, depiladora Cocoon Elysion

    Santosom Medical Flight case, depiladora Cocoon Elysion

    REF MEDIC.116
    Santosom standard line 7mm Birch-Ply laminated 7mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 4x Large butterfly catches 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 4x Large Heavy-duty handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake Foam inside
  • Santosom Medical Flight case Implant motor H&W

    Santosom Medical Flight case Implant motor H&W

    REF MEDIC.204
    Santosom standard line Wood inner dim. (WID) 7mm Poplar-Ply laminated 7mm Alum. hybrid lid location 22x22mm Aluminium L angle 2x Drawbolt latche 5x Stop hinge 8x Ball corners 8x Corner braces 3x Recessed sprung handle 6x Rubber foot 2x Corner wheels
  • Santosom Medical Flight case, Canon CR-2 eye care

    Santosom Medical Flight case, Canon CR-2 eye care

    REF MEDIC.102A
    Santosom Standard Line 7mm Poplar-Ply laminated 7mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 6x Medium butterfly catches 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 2x Medium Heavy-duty handles Foam insert to protect the equipment