
  • SANTOSOM Keyboard Flight case PRO, Nord Stage Piano 88 key

    SANTOSOM Keyboard Flight case PRO, Nord Stage Piano 88 key

    REF KEYBRD.300
    Santosom professional line 7mm poplar-Ply laminated 7mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Medium butterfly catches 2x Lid stay with hinge 3x Medium Heavy-duty handles 6x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 2x Recessed corner wheels Foam inserts to protect the equipment
  • SANTOSOM Keyboard Flight case, Yamaha CP88

    SANTOSOM Keyboard Flight case, Yamaha CP88

    Santosom professional line 7mm Birch-Ply laminated 7mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Medium butterfly latches 6x Lid stay with hinge 6x Ball Corners 8x Medium corner braces 3x Medium Heavy-duty handles 4x Rubber foot 2x Recessed corner wheels Foam inserts to protect the equipment
  • Santosom Keyboard Flight Case Yamaha YC73

    Santosom Keyboard Flight Case Yamaha YC73

    Santosom professional line 7mm Birch-Ply laminated 7mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Medium butterfly latches 6x Lid stay with hinge 6x Ball Corners 8x Medium corner braces 3x Medium Heavy-duty handles 4x Rubber foot 2x Recessed corner wheels Foam inserts to protect the equipment
  • Santosom Rack XB-Rack 2C, 1x EVH 5150III 100S HEAD

    Santosom Rack XB-Rack 2C, 1x EVH 5150III 100S HEAD

    REF XB2D.EVH5150H
    Santosom standard line Adjustable rack rail (ARR) 10mm Birch-Ply Phenolic 10mm Alum. Top Edge lid 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Sliding latches 8x Flat corner top edge 2x Medium Heavy-duty handles Rack strips (front and rear) Nuts, washers, screws Kit
  • SANTOSOM Backline  Flight case, HIWATT DR405 Amp. Basse

    SANTOSOM Backline Flight case, HIWATT DR405 Amp. Basse

    REF COMBO.624
    Santosom standard line 7mm Birch-Ply laminated 7mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 4x Medium butterfly latches 8x Ball Corners 8x Corner braces 2x Medium Heavy-duty handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake Foam inserts to protect equipment
  • SANTOSOM Flight case PRO, 25x Support orchestre (étagères)

    SANTOSOM Flight case PRO, 25x Support orchestre (étagères)

    REF TRIPES.230.25A
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Large butterfly latches 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 8x Large Heavy-duty handles 1x Lid stay with hinge 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm
  • Santosom Backline Flight case, Aguilar SL112

    Santosom Backline Flight case, Aguilar SL112

    REF M12I.AGLSL112
    Santosom Standard Line 7 mm Birch-Ply laminated 7 mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32 x 32 mm Aluminium L angle 4x Medium butterfly catches 8x Ball Corners 8x Corner braces 2x Medium Heavy-duty handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake Foam inserts to protect equipment
  • Santosom Keyboard Flight case, Keyboard Viscount Legend Live

    Santosom Keyboard Flight case, Keyboard Viscount Legend Live

    Santosom Standard Line 7mm Poplar-Ply laminated 7mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Medium butterfly catches 5x Lid stay with hinge 6x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 5x Medium Heavy-duty handles 2x Recessed corner wheels 1x Corner handle Foam inserts to protect equipment
  • Santosom Keyboard Flight case, Keybord 1200x370x130

    Santosom Keyboard Flight case, Keybord 1200x370x130

    REF KEYBRD.1200
    Santosom Standard Line 7mm Poplar-Ply laminated 7mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Medium butterfly catches 2x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 3x Medium Heavy-duty handles 2x Recessed corner wheels Foam inserts to protect equipment
  • Santosom Orchestra Flight Case PRO, Marimba Majestic 7550P

    Santosom Orchestra Flight Case PRO, Marimba Majestic 7550P

    REF ORCH.139
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Large butterfly latches 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 8x Large Heavy-duty handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm
  • Santosom Backline Flight case, Ampeg SVT410HLF

    Santosom Backline Flight case, Ampeg SVT410HLF

    REF COMBO.620
    Santosom Standard Line 7 mm Birch-Ply laminated 7 mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32 x 32 mm Aluminium L angle 4x Medium butterfly catches 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 2x Medium Heavy-duty handles Foam inserts to protect equipment
  • Santosom Backline Flight case, Orange Rockerverb 50H

    Santosom Backline Flight case, Orange Rockerverb 50H

    REF COMBO.300H
    Santosom Standard Line 7 mm Birch-Ply laminated 7 mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32 x 32 mm Aluminium L angle 4x Medium butterfly catches 8x Ball Corners 8x Corner braces 2x Medium Heavy-duty handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake Foam inserts to protect equipment
  • Santosom Backline Flight case, Orange PPC212

    Santosom Backline Flight case, Orange PPC212

    REF COMBO.623
    Santosom standard line 7mm Birch-Ply laminated 7mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 4x Medium butterfly catches 8x Ball Corners 8x Corner braces 2x Medium Heavy-duty handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake Foam inserts to protect equipment
  • Santosom ORCHESTRA Flight case, Piano Schoenhut Red 49 w/ Ramp and wheels

    Santosom ORCHESTRA Flight case, Piano Schoenhut Red 49 w/ Ramp and wheels

    REF ORCH.138
    Process in assembly TMK® 10 mm Birch-Ply laminated 10 mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32 x 32 mm Aluminium L angle 4x Large butterfly catches 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 4x Large Heavy-duty handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 1x Dish for tour label 185X135 mm Ramp in front lid
  • Santosom Flight case PRO, 25x Orchestra Stand (Trépieds + étagères)

    Santosom Flight case PRO, 25x Orchestra Stand (Trépieds + étagères)

    REF TRIPES.230.25
    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Large butterfly latches 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 9x Large Heavy-duty handles 1x Lid stay with hinge 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm
  • Santosom Backline FC, Randall R412CB

    Santosom Backline FC, Randall R412CB

    REF COMBO.622
    Santosom Standard Line 7mm Birch-Ply laminated 7mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 4x Medium butterfly catches 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 2x Medium Heavy-duty handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake Foam inserts to protect equipment
  • Santosom Backline Flight Case, Hughes & Kettner ERA 2

    Santosom Backline Flight Case, Hughes & Kettner ERA 2

    REF COMBO.621
    Santosom Standard Line 7mm Birch-Ply laminated 7mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 4x Medium butterfly catches 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 2x Medium Heavy-duty handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake Foam inserts to protect equipment
  • Santosom Backline Flight Case, GA-20 (510x430x220mm)

    Santosom Backline Flight Case, GA-20 (510x430x220mm)

    REF COMBO.306
    Santosom Standard Line 7mm Birch-Ply laminated 7mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 4x Medium butterfly catches 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 2x Medium Heavy-duty handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake Foam inserts to protect equipment
  • Santosom Keyboard Flight case, Proteccion Piano Yamaha (1900x1550x1070m)

    Santosom Keyboard Flight case, Proteccion Piano Yamaha (1900x1550x1070m)

    REF KEYBRD.409
    Santosom Standard Line 7 mm Birch-Ply laminated 7 mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32 x 32 mm Aluminium L angle 2x Medium butterfly catches 2x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 1x Medium Heavy-duty handles 2x Recessed corner wheels Foam inserts to protect equipment
  • Santosom Custom Made FC, Vibrafonne Adams VAWT30 / VCWV30

    Santosom Custom Made FC, Vibrafonne Adams VAWT30 / VCWV30

    REF VIBRAF.100
    10 mm Birch-Ply laminated 10 mm Alum. hybrid lid location 35 x 35 mm Aluminium L angle 2x Large butterfly catches 2x Lid stay with hinge 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 8x Large Heavy-duty handles 5x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 1x Dish for tour label 185X135 mm
  • Santosom Backline Flight case, Cicognani Imperium H150

    Santosom Backline Flight case, Cicognani Imperium H150

    REF HEAD.142
    Santosom Standard Line 7mm Birch-Ply laminated 7mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 2x Medium butterfly catches 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 2x Medium Heavy-duty handles Foam inserts to protect the Head
  • Santosom Backline Flight Case, AC10C1

    Santosom Backline Flight Case, AC10C1

    REF COMBO.617
    Santosom Standard Line 7mm Birch-Ply laminated 7mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 4x Medium butterfly catches 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 2x Medium Heavy-duty handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake Foam inserts to protect equipment
  • Santosom Backline Flight Case, Roland Blues Cube 212 (680x270x545)

    Santosom Backline Flight Case, Roland Blues Cube 212 (680x270x545)

    REF COMBO.114
    Santosom Standard Line 7mm Birch-Ply laminated 7mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 4x Medium butterfly catches 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 2x Medium Heavy-duty handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake Foam inserts to protect equipment