• Santosom Backline Flight Case PRO, 2x Martin Audio WS18X

    Santosom Backline Flight Case PRO, 2x Martin Audio WS18X

    REF SPEAKR.601
    Santosom Standard Line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32 x 32 mm Aluminium L angle 4x Medium butterfly catches 8x Ball Corners 8x Large corner braces 8x Medium Heavy-duty handles Foam inserts to protect equipment
  • Santosom   Skate, L-Acoustics Sub SB15M

    Santosom Skate, L-Acoustics Sub SB15M

    21mm Birch ply textured Painting of high resistance textured 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake
  • Santosom   Skate JBL VTX V25

    Santosom Skate JBL VTX V25

    21mm Birch-Ply + phenolic 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake
  • Santosom   Cover L-Acoustics K2

    Santosom Cover L-Acoustics K2

    21mm Birch-Ply phenolic
  • SANTOSOM Rigging Flight case, 2x D&B GSL/KSL Flying frame

    SANTOSOM Rigging Flight case, 2x D&B GSL/KSL Flying frame

    Santosom professional line 10mm Birch-Ply laminated 10mm Alum. hybrid lid location 32x32mm Aluminium L angle 4x Medium butterfly latches 8x Flat Corners 8x Large corner braces 8x Medium Heavy-duty handles 4x Blue wheels, 2 with brake 1x Dish for tour label 185x135mm