Santosom - Professional Cases Blog

Santosom at Universidade Portucalense
Santosom would like to thank Universidade Portucalense, represented by Prof. Carla Azevedo Lobo, for the opportunity to be present at the Final Conference of the IEcPBI Project, Interactive Ecosystem for Portuguese Business Internationalization. This study reports that the firms must engage in continuous innovation and...

Santosom | "Understanding Fluge" 2021
Santosom was once again present at the "Understanding Fluge" Conference. This time, besides being available to all participants to show our models and present our solutions, we also made a presentation. We had the privilege of opening the presentations. In...

Santosom TOUR Trunks
We present our range of TOUR TRUNKS: 60, 80 and 120, always with 60cm depth and 60cm height values.The Tour trunks are part of the most sold units among the more than 10,000 references existing in Santosom. The solution we...