Updates for Rack Compact Sliding

Updates for Rack Compact Sliding

We would like to inform you that our RCS line has undergone some improvements. These have been developed with the aim of improving the product and meeting the needs of the market.

Space optimization

In compact sliding racks with four or more units, we take advantage of the half-unit available in the lid space to insert a half-unit illuminator, an exclusive Santosom product, without it taking up useful rack space.

 RackLight® 1/2U Model

LED illuminator for 19'' 1/2U rack
Mini external power supply

Label position change

We've moved the label to the center to allow the half-unit illuminator to be used either on the front or back of the rack, giving you more flexibility in choosing the position.

Plastic feet 

  • We have replaced the 4 lower rubber feet of the rack with plastic feet. This change provides greater durability and reduced abrasion.
  • We introduced 4 small aluminum feet at the bottom of the rack to reinforce the stability and security of the overlatch system, especially when the rack is loaded with equipment.

Changes in aluminum

We have developed a new X Box aluminum-coated profile to offer a homogeneous design, greater strength and a uniform finish throughout the rack structure.

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