Diogo Aguiar Studio

Diogo Aguiar Studio

We are often approached for special projects where the complexity is higher, the risk of error is higher and usually the delivery time is short.
Most of the time we decline those projects because they consume a lot of time, a lot of resources and divert us from what we want our focus to be: flight cases for the audiovisual industry.
But there's always one but... this summer we let ourselves be convinced to get into one of those projects. The responsible was Diogo Aguiar Studio.
Diogo Aguiar Studio is one of the most creative, effervescent and fantastic international potential atliers.
The idea that convinced us was to materialize a flight case of two openings that would function as a showcase for the photographs and personal objects of one of the greatest Portuguese architecture photographers, Fernando Guerra. The exhibition, curated by architect Andreia Garcia, will be itinerant with the Roca Lisboa Galeria as its starting point.
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